Nagadeepa, also known as Nagadipa, is a revered island in Sri Lanka’s Jaffna District, holding significant importance for both Buddhists and Hindus. Situated in the Palk Bay, this small island is famed for its ancient temples and serene environment. Nagadeepa is considered one of the most sacred pilgrimage sites in Sri Lanka, with its Buddhist temple believed to be the site of the Buddha’s second visit to the island. The island offers a tranquil escape and a unique cultural experience for visitors.
Nagadeepa holds a special place in Sri Lankan history due to its religious significance. It is believed that the Buddha visited the island during his second visit to Sri Lanka, which is commemorated by the Nagadeepa Buddhist Temple. The island has since become a significant pilgrimage site for Buddhists and Hindus alike. The presence of the Naga Pooshani Vihara, dedicated to the serpent deity, reflects the island’s dual religious heritage. Its peaceful environment and sacred sites continue to attract pilgrims and tourists seeking spiritual solace and historical insight.